How to excite a woman quickly folk remedies

A very common cause of fights in families they become a problem of an intimate character.

After living some time together, people start to complain that the sex became uninteresting, banal, static. No storm of feelings, new sensations, the spouses are not.

how excite the girl folk media

What to do, how to recover the lost desire, to bring each other to improve the intimate mood? Help can come aphrodisiacs.

Modern medicine offers an excellent half of humanity different amplifiers libido – pills vaginal creams, ointments. But today we quickly learn how to excite a woman using drugs.

What are aphrodisiacs and what are they for women?

Aphrodisiacs is a tool that is able to cause a person to sexual excitement. The term comes from the name of the goddess of beauty and love in Ancient Greece Aphrodite.

Aphrodisiacs help the person to enhance the sexual instinct, even when he doesn't want sex.

Despite the fact that today there is a huge amount of driving of pills, creams, lotions for women, it is still better than to resort to the help of natural aphrodisiacs.

They do not cause dependency, do not need to search in specialized stores, because they are all around us.

Important to know which foods, plants, oils induce women to excitement.

Thanks to the natural aphrodisiac you can:

  • create a romantic mood;
  • relax completely, to get the maximum of pleasure;
  • to intensify sexual desire;
  • quickly get powerful and long lasting orgasm;
  • free even the best glued to the girl;
  • avoid the painful menstruation, to a pathological process in the mammary glands, genital venous stasis, frigidity, by obtaining an orgasm.

Depending on the perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be as essences (enter in the body during the meal) or odors.

The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women are ones that:

  • have composition;
  • done correctly and with love;
  • are prepared independently, are extracted from the nature, but not chemically (without prescription).

Foods with exciting effect

The easiest way to increase libido – prepare a romantic dinner by candlelight, where the main focus need to make the dish. There are products that stimulate the desire of the women.

Up romantic and sexual humor can help:

  1. Oysters, shrimp, salmon roe – these are the fruits of the sea improves the quality of the sex, increase sexual activity, energized.
  2. Avocado – ignites the love of dust through a large number of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.
  3. Chocolate black what is the woman who can give up the sweet? And, in fact, in black, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine – a substance, intensifying the sexual activity. This product sweet also contributes to the formulation of the estrogen hormone, which strengthens the blood circulation, regulates the menstrual cycle.
  4. Honey – this is the natural product of beekeeping that contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, giving women a charge of vivacity, force.
  5. Watermelon. This juicy, sweet berry contains in the composition of the citrulline – the amino acid, improve the blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which increases libido.
  6. Olives stimulate the sexual instinct, contribute to the design.
  7. Banana – in addition to a visual identity (banana in a way reminiscent of the dignity of men), they still contain large amount of vitamins, giving the woman the strength and energy to the foundation of the sexual act.
  8. Egg from quail – to normalize the hormones, improve the work of the reproductive system, beneficially affect the state of the skin and hair.

Action of honey as an aphrodisiac was observed, even at the time of the principality of Kiev. Then, the guests gave the newly married couple drums of honey. Those were compelled to drink the honey of a drink within a month's time to wake up the passion and the success of conception. It is from here that was already established, the expression "honeymoon".

products of excitation

Choosing the products-aphrodisiacs for women, the important thing is not to overdo it. It's not worth spoons to eat honey, eat a watermelon or fold of black chocolate. In addition to allergies and too banal, dangerous, the emergence of abdominal distension, flatulence, cramps, you will not achieve anything.

Consume foods that are aphrodisiacs need with the mind: enough to eat a piece of watermelon or banana, to intensify sexual desire.

And must take into account the characteristics of the body: if the honey you are allergic to, so you don't have to eat it, it is better to give preference to other products.

Olfactory amplifiers of sexual desire – aromas in exactly the same way as the products are capable of sharpening the feel of the female.

The best erotic scents for she will be the aroma of oils:

  1. Rose oil – ignites the woman's passion, rejuvenates the skin, prevents the aging. Just add a few drops of rose oil to the bathroom, lie down in it 10 minutes, enjoy a floral fragrance.
  2. Oil of ylang-ylang is the most popular aphrodisiac used in expensive perfumes and cosmetics. He quickly awakens the sensuality, libido, through its spicy and hot flavor. The oil can be added to the aroma lamp or take it with him to the bathroom.
  3. The oil of bergamot – enhances mood, eliminates anxiety, the homesickness, help the woman to quickly and easily relax in the bed, relieves tension and fatigue. This oil can be used for erotic massage, and also add it in the aroma lamp, and t. d.
  4. Jasmine oil helps to relax, calming effect, increases libido, eliminates the coolness, disharmony, gives you confidence in yourself. This oil can be added in cosmetics: gel for the body, cream, tonic, shampoo, or use for massage, add a few drops in the house, the aroma of the lamp.
  5. The ginger oil. Many believe that ginger is a men's fragrance, but it is exactly the same work, and for the women. It saves the infertility, eliminates the problem of sexual impotence, makes a woman desirable, feminine, liberated. With this oil the girls easier and easier to respond to the fantasies of men.

The purchase of essential oils to improve the intimate mood in women, it is necessary to consider that only the natural oils have a strong excitatory effect. Pharmaceutical synthetic oils to increase libido are not suitable.

So, before you buy it, necessarily, need to read the inscription on the label. If it is written in Natural oil, meaning that the natural oil; if there is an inscription Is then not worth to buy this type of fragrance.

Herb-aphrodisiacs for women

There is a large amount of plants, it is beneficial to affect female sexual arousal. Herb-aphrodisiacs brewt, take them immediately before the sexual contact:

the causes of bad libido
  1. Sage – prevents the emergence of frigidity, helps to improve the design process. On the action of this plant knew that in Ancient Egypt. So this herb considered sacred and gave it the young women to a quick population recovery after devastating wars and epidemics, that took a large number of people. Today, specialists recommend women to consume the juice of fresh sage.
  2. Fennel – helps to relax, promotes an offensive long-awaited pregnancy. The fennel, you can add a variety of dishes, and then have it as the cheese and the subversion. In the latter case, it is important to prepare for the store: chop ceramic and chalkboard, store in the dark bank. Instead of green, you can use and seeds of the fennel: brewing them as a tea. In the same action, such as fennel, has the spinach.
  3. Daisy – from the flowers of this plant can make the tea: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it rest for 10 minutes. Drink in the form of heat, to enhance sexual arousal, and improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey.
  4. Clover – flowers of this alsdKovatOh herbs can be infusion: 1 teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. You can also add fresh petals of clover in salads.
  5. Melissa – it quickly relieves the tension, combat tiredness and anxiety. Melissa intensifies and stimulates the senses. To prepare the tea can be used as dried and fresh leaves of plants.
  6. Manzhetspacecraft is purely female of a plant. The grass helps to clear the inflammation, rejuvenate the skin, to attract love, to support female reproductive function. To increase libido, can be taken as fresh and dry grass. Fresh manzhetKi can make salads and dried – to prepare aromatic tea (2 tablespoons of plant in 200 ml of boiling water).

Do female invigoration alone

Despite the fact that, today, is sold to the huge amount of tools that help increase the libido, even so, experts are sure that the best is to do an aphrodisiac for women with their own hands.

So you will be able to stream all of your senses the second half, and this will further intensify the impact aphrodisiac. Here are some recipes to increase your sexual desire:

Dessert erotic

You will need such ingredients: quails eggs (8 pieces), honey (100 g), fresh raspberry (the criterion), gelatin (15 g).

From proteins of eggs to make the foam, adding there honey. To add color in the foam of raspberry.

The gelatin soak in cold water. Add to the egg-honey mass. Put on slow fire, do not allow boiling.

Then cool, pour over withtаspacecraftнам and put in the fridge. Erotic dessert for the lady is ready.

Sensual salad

Ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, avocado, white cheese. Mushrooms boil, the avocado clean the peel and the stone.

Prepared products cut into cubes, season with the sauce (a mixture of olive oil, the bite, the salt and sugar), decorate the upper part of vetonhspacecraftмand fennel and pieces of any fruit or fruits.

Perfumes "perfume of love"

afrodiziaki for the acting

To not buy an expensive perfume, best make your own, making the most of the tools that improve libido:

Add 10 ml of oil-base, for example, the peach of the essential oil.

To add to it such essential oils: Jasmine, rose (2 drops), bergamot oil or sandal (1 drop). Or, you can add 3 drops of oil of ylang-ylang or 2 drops of jasmine.

The essential oils, choose the flavor and the sensations, so that the girl liked the smell.

The reasons for the decreased libido

To kindle loving dust woman, don't let it disappear, it is necessary to know what the factors that reduce libido:

  • is prohibited;
  • the stress;
  • the lack of sleep;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • harmful food is salty, greasy, fried, dishes.

All these factors cause fatigue, had a negative impact on health, which drain the nervous system, causing numbness desires.

Therefore, if a woman sleeps little, smokes, problems of alcohol abuse and poorly nourished, no natural, and even synthetic half-aphrodisiacs she is not going to help. Need to review your lifestyle and make adjustments.

Now that you know what it means that you can kindle the extinguished sexual instinct. Products, aphrodisiacs, perfumes, and teas – all these different kinds of aphrodisiacs can be skillfully placing a bid to get a woman, make her that excited.

The main thing – do not overdo it, use them correctly, for they have helped, and not harmed. And make sure to prepare the means-aphrodisiacs with love.

You must also remember that adequate rest, proper nutrition, and the good humor is one of the women assistants, ensures the health of the whole organism, normalize sexual desire.

As quickly as the lust of a woman before sex: aphrodisiacs, medicines, and home remedies for the sexual arousal of the woman

Usually, the men there are almost no problems with arousal, as well as with getting an orgasm during sex. This is not the case in women: often, even after a long preliminary the long-awaited sensation of "butterflies in the stomach" and does not come. And, in fact, so eager to adapt to the needs and pace of your man! A woman how to help yourself quickly if you excite all the details of our magazine.

Why a woman can't excite her before sex?

To get to the solution of the problem in the first place we must clearly define what it is.

  • The girl can not get excited enough that this is not pre-lask. Or, although preliminary, the excitement still does not arrive.
  • The first, is obvious the option that something is not right with your partner: 1) He performs actions that, instead of pleasant, do not cause any sensations or even the opposite; 2) It is not interesting to you as a man 3) you can have "moral" is away from him – some women just can't пondпуwithtandtü of himself to man, and that not psychological proximity.
  • This can be fatigue. Yes-yes, a simple physical fatigue, excessive work. If after a busy day, you are trying to have sex and nothing more work, think about it: you can reason ordinary, and nothing that you have spent the last hour searching for answers on the world wide web?
  • The fatigue can still be and moral, which, in principle, it is also not a mortal, but a bit more complicated.
  • More seriously, when the horny prevents any discomfort or illness, in the t. h. "female".
  • Purchase of medicines can influence the process of excitation.
  • May have problems of a sexual nature, such as frigidity, or post-traumatic period of psychological trauma. However, they are on the internet, and with the help of doctors and experts.
  • You susceptible real change in the weather can cause every thing to say that something in your environment, you are confused, do not give to relax. Think about that.
  • Impediment, embarrassment. Can be the result of a relationship the sex as something bad or complex in relation to their appearance.