As the own do female pathogen home?

Many of the fair sex, with time it becomes increasingly difficult to get excited about, and the reason for this can be stress, PMS, changes related to age in the body or physical fatigue. There are many effective ways to get rid of this problem, but the most popular of them became aphrodisiacs, prepared at home unscripted. They are a good alternative to pharmacological products, which include only natural ingredients and act worse than the high cost of drugs.

How to make female pathogen: 5 best recipes

Alternative medicine presents dozens of recipes for the manufacture of tools to enhance the sexual desire in women. Some of them begin to act in a few minutes, others are the result gradually. The following, are presented the five best driving elixirs, each of which does not require the purchase of costly components and complex preparation process.

The substitute Shpunk the front view

Shpunk loo is known worldwide powder exciting indeed, for young people and women in age, suffering from frigidity. In its composition entered сильнодействующее substance cantharidin. It is extracted from small insects, in honor of which was named this medicine.

cantharidin very rapidly absorbed through the stomach wall and starts to act up after 10 minutes. It causes the irritation of receptors of the genital system, which, in turn, causes a sharp blood flow to the pelvic organs. This increases the hypersensitivity of the vaginal walls, and instantly boosts the sexual desire.

Good feature of drug Shpunk loo became something that he has not smell or taste. This gives the man the possibility of discreetly подсыпать you talk with your partner, if she does not realize that problems arose in a relationship and refuses to voluntarily the use of any agents.

It is worth a tool that is very expensive, but you can do by yourself. To do this, you must follow some step-by-step action:

  • the search of insects;
  • the supply of raw materials;
  • cooking stimulating the liquid.

Search raw materials

Shpunk ясеневая is a small insect with green spaces on the wings, which are hidden under two huge wings. It can be found in the entire territory of Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The dwelling place of deminers steel plants that belong to the family of olives and honeysuckle (the berries of elderberry, kalina, jasmine, lilac).

Basically, they live in lilac, therefore, to the self-supply of raw materials necessary to explore some of the bushes and collect a couple of dozens of these insects. Advance them to spread in a baking sheet of metal and the time in the oven for about 10 minutes. The main thing – do not retain moisture.

After the bugs have dried up, they are sent to the mill and перемалываются. Store the powder just need away from direct sunlight.

Cooking recipe of pathogens

To make this powerful pathogen for women, with the hands, you need to take:

  • 100 ml of vodka or diluted with water alcohol (1 to 3);
  • the powder Shpunk at the tip of the knife;
  • 10 gr. powder ginseng root.

All the ingredients are mixed together, customers of small capacity (the liquid from the vial of medication of any kind, preferably with a distributor) and the cost of a few days. Ready-to-liquid add 2 drops of tea, wine or juice 15 minutes before sex.


Use powder in its pure form or dribble the causal agent of language, without confusing it with any type of drink, is expressly prohibited! cantharidin in large doses, is capable of causing a strong food poisoning. The maximum daily of tinctures of Shpunk – 6 drops.

The moon to drink with dried fruits

The honey is a useful product for the human body, but if you combine it with dried fruits, you can get a real blend-aphrodisiac, which is able to light a light, even though the woman passive. In addition, the honey and the drink not only positively affects on libido, but also contributes to the elimination of many diseases, as well as performs for the prevention of viral infections.

Recipe of excitement drinking includes the following components:

  • raisins – 1 tablespoon;
  • pear – pair of fruits;
  • prunes – 3-4 months;
  • more dates without the bone.

Listed dried fruit перемалываются in a blender, высыпаются in a pot, poured a mug of water and are boiled for 5 minutes. Through the specified time ready to drink reformulation, and then add in two teaspoons of honey.

Drink the honey of excitement needs 20 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse. In the absence of sexual desire should be consumed daily for several weeks.


This quick method of excitation is contraindicated to persons that are sick:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • allergy to components of the beverage;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

In addition, when the pregnancy is necessary to control the amount of honey, so, future mothers, it is not advisable to drink more than a glass of this drink per day.

Broth of herbs to increase libido

The decoction of medicinal plants does not belong to a group of fast paul. It helps to normalize the work of the female reproductive system and get rid of the reasons that became the cause of the weakening of sexual desire. The regular intake of this medicine will improve the well-being, interest in sex, and also allows you to get new sensations of the process of copulation.

For the preparation of broth of herbs, you should buy in a pharmacy:

  • Rhodiola is pink in color;
  • ginseng;
  • red root;
  • lemongrass;
  • mint;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • echinacea.

Listed grass cost very cheap, but its efficiency, you are able to replace the number of expensive pharmaceutical products for the treatment of frigidity.

To manufacture a broth of herbs, you should take a teaspoon of each herb and pour in your liter of water. More a medicine проваривается on low heat for about 15 minutes, after which shines, остужается and выпивается 150 ml twice a day on an empty stomach.

The result of the ingestion of a broth of herbs to be noticed after 2-3 weeks. To speed up the recovery process this method is recommended to combine with a healthy diet, or tablets, for example, with the female Viagra.

Spray aphrodisiac with the hands

Another good бабушкиным recipe became a cook быстродействующего elixir, a few drops of which can in a matter of minutes to change the woman in the bed beyond recognition. In its composition entered the ingredients that you have in the house practically every person:

  • pepper – one half of the pod;
  • dry mustard 5 oz.;
  • chicken egg – 1 шт.;
  • lemon juice, whole (citric acid in this case, it is not appropriate);
  • tomato pasta, or fruit juice – a tablespoon.

All the products mixed, and received the tool is 2-3 drops in any drink 15 minutes, until the intimacy. Before you start to use it you need to make sure the freshness of the chicken eggs. If the product is low grade, the sex the most crucial time to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain.


Spray the elixir has a strong, but short duration of action. He quickly makes with that the tide of sexual excitement, but after 20 minutes it begins to weaken gradually. Therefore, the time of foreplay is desirable to reduce to a minimum.

Tincture of the root of Dioscoreans

Dioscoreans (yam) – is a weed, which is a natural phytoprogestron. Medicine of the root of this herb helps in normalizing the hormonal and improves the well-being, stimulates the natural production of lubrication in women, and also eliminates the manifestation of pre-menstrual syndrome.

The chemical composition Dioscoreans includes:

  • saponins;
  • chrome;
  • selenium;
  • dioscine;
  • the starch;
  • rhamnose.

This set of useful things conducive to get rid of the depression, relieves psycho-emotional tension, which in turn helps the woman to relax and feel valued.

To prepare the tincture must take:

  • 150 gr. powder of the root of ямса;
  • 10 gr. ginger powder;
  • 4-5 leaves of melissa.

All of the components poured 500 ml quality vodka and put in a cool place, dark for a few days. Ready infusion is accepted by two teaspoons half an hour before sex, along with a small amount of food. If necessary, the dose may be increased to three tablespoons, but it's worth remembering that the overdose is of concern to sharp and uneven pressure, the emergence of edema and nausea.

Erotic cooking

Delicious products aphrodisiacs – the easy path to the heart of any woman. Properly chosen ingredients allow you to instantly bring back your sweetheart sensuality, increase your libido, as well as to solve many problems of an intimate character.

Wild rice with the gifts of the sea

Rice combined with seafood refers to the main meal. It is not high-calorie foods, therefore, the figure of the sex it does not suffer.

Recipe includes:

  • a full cup of wild rice;
  • two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • 10 medium peeled shrimp;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 100 gr. marine cabbage;
  • pepper, salt, and other seasonings to taste.

Figure carefully climbs up, clean and trash are washed several times. After he change back in the pot and filled two cups of water. The cooking should be on low heat for 10 minutes. After the water download, fire in the stove to decrease to a minimum and the pot with the rice left for more than 10 minutes.

Until the grain is being prepared, you should heat the frying pan with the olive oil and sauté in it the garlic along with the shrimp. In the end she served the lemon juice, and add the seasonings. Rice with seafood

Ready the rice is mixed with garlic and the shrimp to change back in a small dish and over the top it's put out by the navy, cauliflower. For the woman with the mouth not smelling the garlic at the end of the meal, she will have to drink the milk.

The salad is the Goddess of love

This dish is the best way for a short period of time, strengthen the sexual desire and quench the body's minerals. To make salad Goddess of love you need to:

  • 1 orange;
  • 1 ripe fruit of the avocado;
  • 4-5 dates, pitted;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • two tablespoons of cedar or forest nuts;
  • a banana medium;
  • the green apple;
  • plain yogurt, for refueling.

All components are cleaned, are cut into small cubes, mixed together and are passed on to the dish. Above you can sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy.

Salad goes well with a cocktail or banana tea with ginger. If you want, you can add strawberries, cherry or peach.

-Chocolate milk shake

Over the years between the scientists do not cease discussions about whether, really, the chocolate helps to increase the sexual desire has of the fair sex. However, in spite of the fact that they still have not arrived at consensus, this delicacy is an indispensable attribute of any for a romantic evening.


The doctors say that if, each day, eat a 50 gr. of chocolate in a day, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease by 30%! But it is worth remembering that it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition to the beneficial effects on the female libido, the chocolate:

  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • alleviates the symptoms of PMS;
  • improves mood;
  • eliminates the depression.

This contributes to a large number of nutrients, contained in:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins A, b, c, D, E;
  • the phosphorus;
  • the sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • the potassium.

To increase the excitement, you can eat 100-150 grams. the chocolate, for half an hour before sex, but to reduce the waiting time, the best is to make it a cocktail.

In the composition of the drink entered the following ingredients:

  • ½ Cup thin milk;
  • half tiles of black chocolate without fillers;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a little bit of raisins;
  • a tablespoon of orange juice to the fragrance.

All the components are mixed in a blender and drink immediately after cooking. To improve the efficiency of the drink is instructed to drink after eating the fruit salad-aphrodisiacs.